UTSA Cyber 'Runners Podcast
UTSA's very own Cyber 'Runners Podcast! Explore Cyber Security education at UTSA and the many opportunities within the Cyber Security field.
UTSA Cyber 'Runners Podcast
S2E2: The "Full Stack" cyber security professional: A conversation with Dr. Jimmie Flores on building a successful career
Season 2
Episode 2
Join our host Priyanka Bhika with guest Dr. Jimmie Flores as he offers career advice for becoming a cyber security professional. Hear how important professional certifications are for a successful career and how learning should be a lifelong endeavor. Listen as Dr. Flores discusses the importance of a degree, combined with relevant industry credentials, and how obtaining both can make you a desirable candidate for any cyber security related position. Hear how developing the depth and breadth of your skills can lead to becoming a cyber security professional.